1. Nová databáze: Židovský hřbitov Nuremberg: cca 5500 záznamů.
2. Index katolických křtů ve Vídni: přibližně 121.000 nových položek.
3. Registry Indexů záznamů z kostelů v Horním a Dolním Rakousku: přibližně 92,000 nových záznamů.
Další adresy:
Profession: www.ihff.at
Databases: www.GenTeam.at
Link Collection: www.GenList.at
Private, Courses and Download: www.FelixGundacker.at
Mailing-List: www.GenList.at
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GenTeam.Die.genealogische.Datenbank
Forum: http://www.nexusboard.net/shownew.php?siteid-17669
Genealogischer Verein: www.adler-wien.at
Originální informace z dopisu:
1. NEW: Jewish Cemeteries in Nuremberg
Approximately 5,500 entries
In this database the old and new cemetery in Nuremberg list surname, given name, profession, some also list date of birth, age, date of burial and cemetery, and in many cases additional genealogical information. In the new cemetery the location of the burial plot is also specified.
2. Baptismal Index Vienna for the Years Between 1585 and 1900
Approximately 121,000 new records, in total more than 464,000
Approximately 121,000 entries collected from the following parishes were added: Altlerchenfeld (herewith completed), Döbling, Dominican Maria Rotunda (completed), Gumpendorf, Mariatreu (Piarists), Pötzleinsdorf (completed), St. Josef Margarethen, St. Ulrich, Währing und the Lower Austrian Birthing Center (Landesgebäranstalt).
At this point, I would like to extend my gratitude to Cindy Lindau, Daniela Mathuber, Ernst Schroth, Gerda Smodej, Judith Starke, Walter Thurner, as well as to all those individuals who already work on additional indices which will be published in the near future.
In the 19th century approximately 3,5 million people from all the countries of the Habsburg Monarchy and beyond moved to Vienna. In 1910 Vienna’s population was approximately 2.1 million. Vienna was then the sixth largest city in the world. Almost all families in the monarchy had family connections to the city of Vienna. However, to date there still is no central birth registry for Vienna besides the Jewish Birth Registry already published on www.GenTeam.at.
I invite you all to help with this fascinating project, so that we can create a complete general index of all baptisms. No travel or visits to parish offices are required; the indices can be furnished in digital form or they can be found partially on www.matricula-online.eu. Since there are only a few typed indices, fewer beautifully hand-written and some not so beautiful hand-written indices available, I am sure, interested collaborators will find some part to help.
3. Parish Registry Indices – New Records
Approximately 92,000 records from Catholic parish registers from Upper and Lower Austria were added.
Parishes with established time frames you will find under ‘help’ at www.GenTeam.at.
Lower Austria:
Dobermannsdorf, Etzen, Ferschnitz, Frankenfels, Göttlesbrunn, Grafenschlag, Großgöttfritz, Harmammschlag, Hauskirchen, Heidenreichstein, Herrnbaumgarten, Höflein, Jagenbach, Kirchschlag im Waldviertel, Margarethen am Moos, Oberhauzenthal, Reinprechtspölla, Rieggers, Trautmannsdorf, Waldenstein, Wildendürnbach.
Upper Austria:
Maria Neustift, a city in the Inn District.
At this point, I would like to express my appreciation to Ursula Baldemaier, Franz Berger, Fritz Eichler, Martina Gelbmann, Ludwig Hansen, Johann Hochstöger, Kornelia Pommer, Johann Reisenhofer, Leopold Strenn and Franz Spevacek for their valuable help.
If you would like to take part with GenTeam in creating a database or if you would like to furnish your own, or if you simply have a question, please contact me anytime. "
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