Německá genealogie na dilibra.com
Ahnenforschung in Deutschland dilibra.com
Na výše zmíněné stránce byl zveřejněn index německých příjmení. O tomto indexu píší na svých stránkách toto:
"Wir haben mit großer Sorgfalt und Genauigkeit die Familiennamen aus unseren Ahnenpässen und Familienstammbüchern herausgearbeitet. Irrtümer und Änderungen vorbehalten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass in einigen wenigen Fällen die indexierten Familiennamen auch solche von Standesbeamten, Pastoren, Kirchenbuchführern, Anzeigenden oder Paten sind, die nicht zwangsläufig in verwandtschaftlicher Beziehung zu den Inhabern der Dokumente stehen müssen. Wir wünschen weiterhin viel Erfolg bei Ihrer Ahnenforschung!
The surnames had been transcripted with great care and accuracy. Errors and omissions excepted. Names presented in this list were taken from our scans (e.g. proof of ancestry, family register or transcriptions of church books). In a very few cases, the below-mentioned surnames can be assigned to other persons (e.g. godparents, registrars, clerics, employees in register office, persons responsible for church register). That means, it must not be a kinsman-like relationship between the holder of the documents and the following entities. We wish you continued success in your ancestral research in Germany!"
The surnames had been transcripted with great care and accuracy. Errors and omissions excepted. Names presented in this list were taken from our scans (e.g. proof of ancestry, family register or transcriptions of church books). In a very few cases, the below-mentioned surnames can be assigned to other persons (e.g. godparents, registrars, clerics, employees in register office, persons responsible for church register). That means, it must not be a kinsman-like relationship between the holder of the documents and the following entities. We wish you continued success in your ancestral research in Germany!"
konec citace viz. www.dilibra.com/1452-dilibra-index.html
Ukázka příjmení z indexu od "A":
"...ALDER [00862] ALDUS [00862] ALEF [00385] ALERT [00862] ALEX [01018] ALEXANDER [00862, 01018]
ALEXANDRIDES [01018] ALGNER [01018] ALGOZZINI [00862] ALIE [00862] ALINA [01018] ALISCH [00862] ALKER [00305, 01018] ALKIER [00862] ALLEGRINI [00862] ALLERDING [00385] ALLERHAND [01018] ALLERMANN [00385] ALLERS [00385] ..."
Ke stažení mají index zde ve formátu *.pdf >>> (643,08 kB)
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